Thursday, February 15, 2007

Fabulous BIG hair from Naughty!

Darlings, anyone who knows Swirly knows that she would BEG to have Lost Thereian's babies. And that is despite Swirly's instinctive aversion to children. Well Swirly's almost pathological obsession with the gorgeous Lost has only been inflamed by his latest hair release, Winsome I. Now can you seriously look at this hair without thinking it was made just for Swirly? This style contains NO flexi prims, so you just know it is going to stay in place, no pesky whispy strands to spoil that perfectly coiffed appearance. It is available in 45 colours, and Swirly is wearing Sand Dollar in this pic. Lost released 6 new hairstyles today, including 2 for the guys, so head to Naughty Island NOW darlings!

