Thursday, April 12, 2007

Police line, don't cross! Haha!

Yuh, so it's time to get off my ass and write up Homicide Designs. I had my reasons putting this off, they needed to get off THEIR asses and finish making something that you will find very special. I must admit they finished them a week ago, however being a child I am prone to laziness and took my sweet time. Swirly agreed to come along as I need constant adult supervision. She expressed an amazing amount of enthusiasm.

However Swirly is a sport and here she is looking fabulous in my personal favorite, Omerta!

Here is Swirly sporting the the Jailbird shirt, comes with prim collar and sleeve cuffs, I of course choose Mothblood because well, it's black and red, and it has the word blood in it.

You: I think jailbird suits you.

Swirly Cyclone: No dear, Swirly doesnt think so.

You: No men with paid accounts in jail?

Swirly Cyclone: No dear =/.


Here I am looking positively filthy with HD's new blood and mud spattered jacket layers. I must admit it really perks up my T shirt. Combine with it the blood bandages and complete the look. I wear it often and you should too!

Yeah, so now on to the special bit.

That's right boys and girls. Prim guts! This picture speaks for itself.

And here we are drowning Sergei. Don't be sad, we lifted his clothes after he was dead! Go to ::HD::Clothing & Apparel to pick up all this nifty shit! (Sergei, bathtub and chainsaw not included).

Also, check out this this nifty little dress at Draconic Kiss Main Store. It's called Mulberry Tease and I look terrific in it. And Draconic just gimmed these, her Laced Boot series. Comes with or without ribbons, and it lots pf pretty colors. Head on over and check em out!

And shame on me for not having posted this sooner. The amazing Pukk Abel has created this series of suits just for Relay for Life. They are modestly priced for her incredible work and eye for detail. Thank you, Pukk! Get yours at IndustriElle-First Impressions.

And last but not least, head on over to Chicanery and dress up like a redneck wrestler or just be naked and look scary as hell. Haha, if it came in a vampire version I'd wear it!

I'm pooped. Nini!

Furiae Blackthorne