Antonia Marat's ability to churn out high quality new releases for artilleri never ceases to amaze me. This latest release is particularly exciting because it includes six new makeups for the Lily Skins. If you haven't checked out the Lily skins, run to artilleri now and grab some demos. These retro styled hand drawn skins feature sexy "cat eye" style liner, tons of colourful makeup options, just a smattering of freckles, and gorgeous rosy blush (why do so many skin designers skimp on the blush?). The Lily Skins are available in 5 skintones, with singles only 600L and packs of 4 for a discounted 1800L. The price alone has to win you over.
I love Antonia's dresses and the new "Jeannae" dress does not disappoint. Flirty 50s styling with a cute polka dot pattern and flexi skirt, it's available in 7 colours. Singles are 200L and the fat pack is great value at 700L.
Antonia has also released 3 new tank tops, sold in packs of 2 for 180L. Love the Cherry tank!