Hello darlings! Fashion Victim presents Swirly's annual blog post. What could be better than a new
Paper Couture collection to bring Swirly out of hiding? Certainly not a grey t-shirt from
Tiny Bird, but Swirly would rather not talk about that particularly traumatic incident right now. Now on with the hard hitting fashion journalism dears.

Paper Couture has lots of short frocks on offer this season to show off Swirly's lovely legs. Swirly bought quite a few as they represented a substantial linden dollar saving over the longer frocks. Sequin Jungle is simply perfect for those indecisive evenings when you can't quite make up your mind whether to head for the disco or go on safari. You know what Swirly's talking about, and you'll never need to worry about it again. Swirly squealed in delight when she saw the turban included with this outfit, as it meant she did not need to choose a hairstyle for this photo.

Swirly's favourite frock this season is the White Cheetah Mini. Darlings, if you take off the shrug, you get slutwear. Now Swirly is sure you weren't expecting
that from Paper Couture. It looks like the Lu Sisters are finally marketing to wider audience. Pro tip - look out for "PC Inc" coming to a Tableau sim near you sometime next year. On to the Dead Man's Necklace, not only is it the closest Swirly has come to a man nuzzling her bosoms in many a year, it's also just the most fabulous piece of jewelry Swirly has ever seen and it also reminds her of the "artwork" her daddy used to hang on the walls at home until her mother came in screaming at him to take it all down because it wasn't hygienic.

The Spotted Suit belies its name, revealing itself to be a suit with spots. Swirly is most impressed with the size of the jewelry in this season's collection. The Sunrise Earrings are simply massive. What this photo does not show you is that due to their sheer enormity, the earrings are piercing into Swirly's cheeks, causing incredible pain. But its all worth it darlings. Never let him tell you that size doesn't matter. It most certainly does.

Seen by Moonlight just inspires Swirly to strike a dramatic pose. The long, sculpted cape trails after you seductively as you walk, but it's something you'll need to keep checking to make sure you haven't accidentally tucked it into the back of your knickers before you leave the ladies room. Swirly knows not
everyone has class darlings. The Treasures Bib is a particularly striking piece, and just perfect for the messier eaters amongst you, though heaven knows how you'll get all that encrusted food out of the gems.

The Beaded Top Gown has so many hints of different color, it will match anything in your wardrobe. Swirly chose a random pair of shoes from her inventory to prove this - look, they match! Swirly just adores PC's Metal Headdress - it's sure to hide a multitude of sins, such as baldness.

The Infinite Rainbow dress reminds Swirly of a week long migraine she had back in the 80s, minus the pain of course, though perhaps with a hint of nausea remaining. The Simplicity Necklace sums up all that is the Lu Sisters - always understated, never pretentious.
And that is the collection for this season. Well at least, what Swirly could afford. Alas, to stay in sugar daddies, one must log on to SL *smooches*
Skin -
Tres Blah Designers United Light Fatpack
Hair -
Paper Couture,
Bliss CouturePoses -
Del May,
EverGlowLashes -
Glow StudioShoes -
Paper Couture,
ArmidiEyes - Don't ask, don't tell darling